Antler recognized Jothi's entrepreneurial spirit and technological advancement in artificial intelligence

Alameda Alliance, a one billion USD health plan CEO Mr. Scott Coffin, appreciates Jothi's contribution to providing Alliance business performance insights to the executive management.

Jothi coached and mentored top Malaysian government officials and CEOs and developed a national digital strategy for education.

Jothi developed a personalized learning management system (iLMS) with the power of artificial intelligence. The iLMS platform is used by around five hundred (500) students at the SRM Institute of Science and Technology in India.

As an entrepreneur, Jothi invested two million in a consumer business. Since March 2018, Healthy Living Enterprise, Inc. has continued to grow with annual revenue of five million, employing 53 staff.

The head of the computer science and engineering department at the SRM institute of science and technology appreciates Jothi's contribution to industrial research and faculty skilling initiatives.

Soronko Academy, Ghana, West Africa, partnered with Jothi and conducted a nationwide skill development program on March 2022. More women participated and learned advanced digital skills.